Monday, June 15, 2009


Thank you and GOD bless all of those of you who have come to visit my blog- This is a time of great change and faith in my life as I shed most of my earthy belongings and follow the dreams that I have always had. I am moving to Central America to work as a community health nurse in impoverished areas of Nicaragua and Guatemala. One of the organizations that I will be working with is called AMIGOS FOR CHRIST. This is a group of short and long term volunteers that work in Chinendega, Nicaragua.

Hurricane Mitch, which struck Central America on October 30, 1998, killed close to 3000 people around Chinendega, Nicaragua, and villages disappeared under volcanic mudslides. Amigos works to settle and sustain these displaced families in safe, healthy communities. Some of their programs include: medical, housing, feeding, educational and clean water programs.

I will be working with the medical, educational and ministry teams. On my May trip to Nicaragua, I worked with an orthopedic surgeon to recruit patients for surgeries scheduled for November, 2009. I also got to visit a clinic on the beach, literally- it was absolutely incredible! The American nurse who started this clinic is an amazing person, really focused on sustainability of a health care focused mission. Her goal is empowerment through education. I look forward to working with her in the future and learning from her every move.

Beautiful beach views and hammocks aside, Chinendega is no exception to the same paradox that can be seen all over Central America: Deep human suffering and pain heavily contrasts against a breathtaking backdrop. I am submitting myself to the service of these people. I hope to learn more from them than I could ever plan to teach them.