Sunday, August 23, 2009

These are pictures from two of the "charlas" that I did with the health team. We did one in Miguel Christiano, Nicaragua and one in Chunco. In both cases, the children learned about a health topic and then get a chance to demonstrate the skill that they are taught- In these cases, the skills were proper hand washing and tooth brushing. We also handed out soap and toothbrushes. I realized that most of the kids don't have access to water. Most of the families in both of these communities collect water from rainfall to use in the home. These children are such a joy to work with, very sweet and attentive! I hope to develop more health education classes for the children.

1 comment:

  1. Adorable pics Emily!

    So proud of you and the wonderful work you are doing in Nicaragua.

    May God continue to bless you with love and strength and keep you safe in all your journeys.

    Love you, Karlita

    p.s. I sent you an email with Cecy's #
